I have an Xbox 360 but it has red ringed me 2 TIMES!!! and Im sick of it so Im thinknig of trading in my 360 for a wii, should I do it?riotx07
get it fixed and get a wii... Well , i purchased the wii for oldschool games and a few games that xbox cant get (cough cough metroid prime 3 and supermetroid) If u look closely, the 360 is nickel and diming on xbla with the unfinished games just to add content for more cash...... WII IS AWSOME. HAD IT FOR ABOUT 1 WEEK NOW
Having both consoles is the best way to go in my opinion. They're two very different consoles, having both gives you the best of both worlds.
If it's down to one console, it's completely up to which one has the games you want. If Mario Galaxy or Super Smash Bros. aren't your thing, stick with an XBox. Personally, the Wii is my favorite console of the two.
What kind of responses do you expect to get asking that kind of question in aWii forum lol. In all honesty though the Xbox has it's advantages. I would own both if I were you!
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