[QUOTE="danger_ranger95"]I thought you meant that the actual Wiimote was jerking in your hand. I was gonna say.... call the Ghostbusters
They ain't fraid'a no ghosts
lol yeah the topic title sort of indicates that, I was just going to say tell the ghost to wait thier turn. But seriously do you have a light source shining on your sensor bar or directly in the IR's sights. Because it sounds like your wiimote is simply losing the sensor bar, so somethings blocking it. Try dusting it like the above poster said or make sure you don't have any stray light sources screwing with the remote.lol indeed it does
TC, if it happens with every single remote, then it's something in the room. Here's some tricks to try;
1 are you standing too far away?
2 dbl check again for light sources
3 check the batteries
4 make sure you hand isn't in front of the pointer (or any other object for that matter)
5 don't smack the Wiimote anymore lol
6ask your siblings, or parents if they've been sneaky sneaky, and secretely played and dropped the remotes. If so, wrist straps are a must!
7 are the latex gloves (Wii condoms) covering the pointer? (see previous mentioned step)
If you still can't figure it out after those tips, you seriously need to call Ghost Hunters. Something isn't right
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