First of all, I want to say, that Nintendo has done great with the Wii right now, outselling both it's competitors handily. It seems that their "blue-ocean strategy" has worked very well so far. However, I think, thats not to say, that it is perfect. Many times, Nintendo has considered themseleves equal to Apple, and the Wii to the iPod line. Which, to an extent, may be true. But, the major difference that Nintendo and Apple has, is that, while Apple comes out with new verisons of the iPod just about every year, Nintendo is stuck with the same console for about 5-7 years. (This is why I think, the DS has been successful, it has changed in the last two years and is a hot item... Plus, rumors are spinning that, Nintendo has already remade the DS Lite) Now, the blue-ocean strategy works for only so long, because eventually, (if Nintendo's strategy works 100%), everyone would become a gamer. (With that being said, I know that 100% of people are NOT going to become gamers, but keep reading to see what I think Nintendo needs to fix.) So, now that everyone's a gamer, the simple, mini-game, casual-friendly games, will no longer satisfy those gamers that Nintendo converted over. People will be looking for something else, maybe next time around, (the NEXT-generation) they won't go for Nintendo's console, but instead, they may choose, a PS4, XBOX 720. This is why within a year or two, Nintendo may need to change their strategy to recruiting, "new-gamers" or "casual gamers" to, trying to KEEP them, by providing slightly more difficult games, or something. Basically, to sum this up, Nintendo needs to keep the ball rolling, by continuing to lead the industry in innovation. Wii Fit for example, is something that is new and something that no one has done before, however, just like WiiSports, after a while, it'll eventually get boring, and I think that Nintendo needs to make games that don't follow this pattern of, "fun for a while, then gets boring." Nintendo's popularity may be back, maybe even back to it's glory days, and this is a great thing, but if Nintendo wants to stay on top, they need to do the following 4 steps:
They need to continue attracting new gamers, both old and young, as well as those females.
They need to remove the image of Nintendo being for "kids" and "babies".
They need to provide innovation to set an example to other competitors.
And most of all, they NEED to keep the hard-core gamers happy, by NOT messing with the games we love. By messing with Zelda, Mario and Metroid and making them more appealing to the casual-gamers, they take away games that are meant for us. (The casual gamers have their games, they have WiiSports, WiiFit, WarioWare, and plenty of others.) Also, they need to implent better online options, and remove friend codes, its really a waste of time. Oh, and get with the program, we need microphones!
If Nintendo can follow these steps, I see no reason that Nintendo can't remain on top for many many years to come... However, if they fall into the Sony/EA mindset, which is, "we're on top, and nothing bad can happen to us" Nintendo is in for a shock...
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