nintendos strategy makes no sense but its working. They are trying to sell games to people who dont play games . Thats like playtex trying to sell tampons to men . How the hell is this strategey working.
What games are worth getting for my wii now ( plz dont say paper mario or any other nintendo titles)
The reason you can't figure out why their strategi is working, is becuase you are WRONG about what you think their strategy is. They are not actively out seeking new markets the way people are saying.  What they are doing is distancing them from the pack mentality. Think of it like the old 2000 election. You had Gore and Lieberman running both from the left. What ends up happening is that leftwing voters end up splitting a majority vote between two candidates...which means they both lose compared to Bush who was the only righty. This happens with amost any multi-choice vote.
Now you have MS and Sony offering two different machines but they now share 90% of the titles. They also both play the same way. They are mostly the same so they are now splitting the market. By removing themselves from this race of bigger, stronger, more powerful...Nintendo captures a LARGER market because they offer something new and different to EVERYONE. It isn't just new gamers or casuals, but also people like myself that have been console gamers since they were first invented but are growing tired of playing the same old games with shinier packaging.
Second, they have a price advantage that is impossible for any customer to ignore. While the PS3 or 360 are a big ticket item, buying the Wii is essentially risk free because it is so cheap compared to the others. It's not like the GC last gen which was pretty close in price to the competition and therefore people were more willing to pay a tad extra for way more games. Now, you can buy the Wii and two games and it is still cheaper than the 360 (full version) before tax with zero games.
Finally, Nintendo is the only console with a sustainable business plan. They make money off every console, and developers don't have to risk millions of dollars making a game that may not sell. It is cheaper for everyone and yet there is much more guarantee to make money. This means Nitendo can spend more on marketing, developers have incentives to make games, etx.
Frankly, what is surprising to me is NOT that NIntendo's business plan is working, but that MS and Sony haven't realized that their business plans are destined for failure.
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