I want to start by saying i love Nintendo and i am not here to bash,but to express my opinion...
The Wii...its an awesome console with such huge potential but once again it is mainly Nintendo taking full advantage of the power inside this unique hardware.Dont get me wrong,there are a few devs out there doing the same...but for the most part its port after port,poorly crafted games and a ton of games for families.I am a diehard Nintendo fan...but with technology on the fast track it would have been nice for a high definition console as well.
We have games like BioShock,Mass Effect,Assasins Creed and Gears of War just to name a few...that look absolutley stunning...and i have to admit this but im jealous.I wish that third parties would develop titles like these for Nintendo as well...and i know im not the only one thinking like this(or maybee i am)but if HD capabilities was possible on the Wii i bet we wouldnt have as much garbage that is still on the rise, even after a year since the Wii was released.
Nintendo stated since the beggining that the route they have choson is a different one...and they have with there awesome motion control and there focus on the casual gamer.They also said they would be bringing new ip's but a majority of those new games are geared more towards the casual game side...its like those of us who actually enjoy a game with alot of deapth no longer exist...the Wii has the power to have us in awe with not only great controls but visually as well and Nintendo really needs to have a talk with devs out there treating the Wii like a simple toy especially since its far from it.
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