It's a shame really, No More Heroes which has been getting very decent scores, will not sell well here in America. There is barely anyone who knows about this game. I mean besides the gamers that are in forums nobody on the outside really knows about this game. Z&W and Okami are two other games that no one noticed, and there fore didn't get the sales the deserved despite the facts that they were both really good games.
It kinda saddens me to think that today, when I brought up the game to people in my computer class they were like. THEY'RE MAKING A HEROES GAME!?!?! OMG I WANT TO PLAY AS PETER & CLAIRE!!! I was going NO its not heroes its NO MORE Heroes. Still they weresaying "so what.... you kill heroes THIS LOOKSSTUPID!"
LMAO apparently they're too stupid to recognize the good games from BLEACH: Shattered Blade. I swear to god the kid next to me is alwayssaying "GET BLEACH ITS SO FUN!" while I try to ignore him and go no thanks I like good in my games.
Anyway even though most people hereare going to buy and enjoy the game its kinda saddening that not alot of people out side of the gaming intellect will be buying it.
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