[QUOTE="TheDanwich"] Anyone else not really digging this game? I think its good, I am just having a lot of trouble getting into it. Yes, its different, but isn't it still the same game we played on the N64 and Gamecube?Satanshelper
The only thing which is the same as Mario 64/Sunshine is the plot (and even that's slightly different, but come on, who cares?!) other than that its the most innovative, fun and generally awesome plaformer I've played in a long time... And Sunshine had FLUDD, so that isn't really similar to 64...
You're wrong.
You save the princess in Mario 64 and Galaxy. You save her momentarily in Sunshine.
You collect 120 stars (or "shines") in all 3 games. In Galaxy, you even do it twice. They are always hovering 5 feet above the ground, spinning. After you collect them, Mario does a little spin/dance and says something in a high-pitched voice.
You have to run around a hub to get to the real levels.
You have to do little tasks, such as: collect x amount of coins, find the (insert object here), gather 5 (insert object here), get to the top of (insert name of mountain/building/giant robot here), and complete (enter task here) in x amount of time.
Stars open new levels.
You fight Bowser. In Galaxy and 64, you fight him three times.
There is always a water level (or 5), a lava level, a snow level (in Galaxy and 64), a mountain level, and a ghost level.
...and many others.
I'm not hating on the game, by the way, I'm just saying he's got a point. The system hasn't changed in 12 years, and if you've played the hell out of Sunshine and 64, this game is a cakewalk.
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