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...they should buy Sega. Maybe they could get some quality people working on the Sonic franchise again!The_Pig_Hostage
The only real drag on Sega right now is the quality of Sonic Team's efforts. As of late, (rather, the past decade) they've been slipping, with Secret Rings only providing a glimmer of hope for the correct direction to spin Sonic into. However, AM2 and the rest of Sega, including Creative Assembaly, are still damn fine teams that do their jobs well. People need to stop looking at Sonic for Sega and realize he's not the only thing they offer.
They don't really need to buy Sega since Sega is producing titles for Nintendo already.gatsbythepig
imho what they sould be doing now is reinvesting alot of money back into the company. they should be expanding there first and second party teams by quite a margin. they should be looking to support (and if nneeds be publish) games from smaller devs that could have the next big thing (and exclusive to wii obhiously). they should also start investing in tools to be used by the public so an indie scene develops for the console.
they should also be investing alot into DS2 and Wii2 developement (which is probably well under way). now that the wimote/ nunchuck and touch screen are pretty well proven as good control methods, they should be looking to develop these further. also they should be putting more into maximising the horse power of their next console while at the same time keeping the costs low (kinda like the GC in its gen).Â
See, now this guy has the right idea. Buying Sega would be foolish...they already produce games for Nintendo consoles. However, that is nothing compared to how foolish it would be to buy Rare back. Are you guys kidding?! Rare hasn't produced a single good game since they left Nintendo. Perfect Dark Zero? Meh. Conker's Bad Fur Day? Just a remake. Microsoft would not let Rare go for anything less than a fortune, and Nintendo would be idiotic to pay them.imho what they sould be doing now is reinvesting alot of money back into the company. they should be expanding there first and second party teams by quite a margin. they should be looking to support (and if nneeds be publish) games from smaller devs that could have the next big thing (and exclusive to wii obhiously). they should also start investing in tools to be used by the public so an indie scene develops for the console.
they should also be investing alot into DS2 and Wii2 developement (which is probably well under way). now that the wimote/ nunchuck and touch screen are pretty well proven as good control methods, they should be looking to develop these further. also they should be putting more into maximising the horse power of their next console while at the same time keeping the costs low (kinda like the GC in its gen).
What Nintendo needs to do is expand it's manufacturing fields...the Wii is pretty much sold out world wide (with a few exceptions here and there.) and even the DS Lite, which has been out for a while now can still be hard to find. People want these products, but if consumers cannot find them, they may turn to other companies.
Im Split on this issue.
I mean, i love sonic games, so this would mean more sonic!
But.............I still would not like the idea of it.................
BTW, Sonic Team was started as a In-House team at sonic, but in 2000 they split off and became Indepenadant (this is when such "Great" games, like heros and shadow were being Devloped), but in 2005 Sega Bought them back in as the IN-House team, an Secret Rings was their first good game game back. maybe the games will get better back under Sega's Hand.
[QUOTE="osan0"]See, now this guy has the right idea. Buying Sega would be foolish...they already produce games for Nintendo consoles. However, that is nothing compared to how foolish it would be to buy Rare back. Are you guys kidding?! Rare hasn't produced a single good game since they left Nintendo. Perfect Dark Zero? Meh. Conker's Bad Fur Day? Just a remake. Microsoft would not let Rare go for anything less than a fortune, and Nintendo would be idiotic to pay them.imho what they sould be doing now is reinvesting alot of money back into the company. they should be expanding there first and second party teams by quite a margin. they should be looking to support (and if nneeds be publish) games from smaller devs that could have the next big thing (and exclusive to wii obhiously). they should also start investing in tools to be used by the public so an indie scene develops for the console.
they should also be investing alot into DS2 and Wii2 developement (which is probably well under way). now that the wimote/ nunchuck and touch screen are pretty well proven as good control methods, they should be looking to develop these further. also they should be putting more into maximising the horse power of their next console while at the same time keeping the costs low (kinda like the GC in its gen).
[QUOTE="Litchie"]I'd rather have them buying Rare back. SEGA have made very boring games for a long time.NWA_31
Yeah...but they kinda suck right now. They need to reunite the original crew, that would be awesome :D
I'd like to have Rare back, just to get Banjo Kazooie 3 for the Wii, and maybe a future Donkey Kong adventure game. Killer Instinct would also be very nice. I loved Rare.
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