I never watched any of the vids, or saw any pics besides what I've saw on this forum. I decided to, and I'm actually impressed with what was shown with Wii MotionPlus/Wii Sports Resort. Those two alone basically proved all the Wiimote haters saying "1:1 or it isn't sweet" wrong.
I agree, Throwing a frizbee to a dog isn't very exciting. But if you actually watch what the tech is capable of, then you'll realize when we could/might get in the future from Nintendo/other companies.
COD5 also looks pretty good compared to the last try.
The Conduit is just reaching new levels every time we get new news.
2 Starwars games to look foward to.
In reality...I don't think E3 was a total disaster like most are saying. Could it have been better??? Of course, it always can be...but just seeing Wii MotionPlus...I know they have a bomb for us. Why else would they make it if they weren't planning something. I'm betting the new Zelda (future), or the Kid if that is being developed at all.
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