You know how Gamespot rates games in specific categories like value, sound, graphics and gameplay and that makes an overall score?
I also read that as times progress gamespot would rate games accordingly, like To Human got a 5.5 today beccause it is average, but 10 years ago it would be a 10/10.
So my question is, how can any game on the Wii get a 9-10 in the graphics category compared to the PS3, PC and 360 graphics? Imean obviosly the wii has more cartoony graphics, but they refused to go HD! So i guess im jusxt asking how the game could score highly in the graphics compartment, if gamespot is supposed to stay true to the times.
PS (Im not hating, i would love to buy a wii, a 360 is jsut my personal choice because i am an avid gamer =)
Quite honestly because not many games on Wii look that great so the few games that do look good (Metroid Prime 3, Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Battalion Wars 2, etc.) score high in that category. Because the PS3 and 360 are HD 1080p consoles the expectations of games are extremely high so if a 360 game doesn't look as good as BioShock, The Darkness, Gears of War, etc. then it won't score high.
And another thing, THE WII DOESN'T HAVE CARTOONY GRAPHICS AT ALL!! There are just a lot of shovelware developers that want to make games with kiddy graphics. That by no means reflects the system, but what developers want to make. The gamecube didn't have kiddy graphics, it just had kiddie developers. If you saw Wii's shovelware on the PS3 with a few graphically outstanding games then for sure everyone would say the PS3 had kiddie graphics too.
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