[QUOTE="bob_newman"]I did a whole thread about this actually. Most shovelware games fail, contrary to popular belief.
Yeah, but if a game costs $100 to make they're still making money off of it... well that's an exaggeration, but don't a lot of shovelware games end up profitable due to their low development costs?
Yep, but it's not an epidemic like people make it out to be. I don't see anything wrong with smaller companies putting out crappy shovelware titles, because:
1) They don't have the funding to make a better game. These companies are usually just starting off, so they don't have the millions of dollars to fund a AAA title.
2) They need the money. When they make sales, they get more funding for their next game. Eventually, some of these companies will turn out good enough games that a bigger publisher will buy them out and use their franchises, as well as their dev teams, to make better games in the future.
3) If you're not buying them, they don't affect your life, or your gaming purchases at all. All they do is sit there on the shelf. I made a thread a while back about how shovelware doesn't affect your gaming experience in any way, so it shouldn't matter if they sit on the shelf. As it turned out, a lot of people responded by being shallow and saying "but I just don't want my good games sitting next to the crappy ones" as if it makes those games look worse or something. Really, they're just embarrassed because someone might see them when they go into a store and pick up a game that is sitting next to Anubis II. It's shallow, and that's all there is to it.
4) These games actually make some kids happy. Typically, these games are incredibly simplistic, which is a perfect fit for a child who has never played a game before and doesn't have the knowledge or dexterity to press 5-button combos.
In fact, here's a little quote from Amazon.com from a kid who owns Ninjabread man:
" My mom got this for me as last minute Christmas gift, when she found out that I'd purchased a wii for myself. It's a cute game. Basically you are the Ninjabread Man and you have to save Candy Land from being taken over by evil cupcakes & such. I give it 3 stars because it's hard to control him. He never swings his sword when he needs to and always ends up being killed. It's annoying and I haven't been able to get past the first level. You have to use both controllers and you use your left hand to make Ninjabread Man jump, so that took some getting used to. :o( Also the camera angle gets weird lot and I find myself pressing the down button on the d-pad frequently to see where I'm going. Perhaps I need more practice. I will update this when I get a better feel for the game. I've only had it a few days."
So as you can see, the only negative things about these games come from out of the "hardcore" gamer's mouth.
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