Ok so i just read this on the internet and tested it out and it actually works.
Go to DSi sound and go to record your voice or whatever it is
record something
click on it but dont play the sound just get it highlighted when the squares are moving around it
then wait like at least 45 seconds
what it does is it plays the mario bros theme song with the tune recorded its really funny
trust me i actually did it its really cool
ok i was reading some of the comments and some of you guys couldnt get it so i will try to explain it again
go to Nintendo DSi sound
record a clip
just touch it dont click on play or anything
so get the square things to circle it and stuff
just wait like 45 seconds (without the clip playing)
and it should play the super mario bros theme song with the clip you recorded
tell me in the comments if i need to explain it better
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