This topic is maybe aimed at the more mature gamers like myself(30 ish!!) but feel free to join in!
I can remember a few years back when people were going on about online gaming and to be honest i wasnt really interested. I go back to sitting round a telly playing my mates at sensible soocer on the amiga, street fighter on the snes or pro evo on the ps, nothing could beat scoring a goal or knocking them out and then rubbing it in their faces!! Now that Im a bit older, married with kids and my friends all moved away a good distance i was reduced to playing the comp when i picked up my wii or ds. However with firstly the arrival of mario kart on the ds and then more recently gh3, moh2, battalion wars on the wii ive discovered the genius that is online play. Sure it would be great to have voice chat whilst playing these games however I really believe that Nintendo is finally begining to embrace the online world and hopefully will only get better with the pay and play option. I also think its gonna get better with the uk release of the likes of mario kart, ssb and animal crossing(i hope). So while nothing will take away the sheer joy of slamming the ball past my best mate on pro evo, the chance to red shell someone from around the world on mario kart will come pretty close.
Give me playing someone from japan or usa who i dont know over playing the comp any day of the week!!
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