So I was considering getting a Wii soon because I want to play some of the exclusive titles it has (Zelda, Mario, Animal Crossing, etc). But I was a little shocked when I saw that games such as Zelda and Super mario Galaxy are still being sold at 50$ even though they've been out since the system's launch. I can understand keeping the prices high since they're popular games, but keeping them at launch price? that's somewhat ridiculous. Even 35$ or 40$ would make me feel a little better than 50$. Seeing that honestly dicscouraged me a little from picking up the system because a 250$ system, plus 50$ for an extra wiimote and nunchuk, and then a combined 100$ just for those two games. I could just go spend that 400$ that I'm up to now on a new 80gb PS3 that I also want. And it comes with two games.
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