Matt Cassamasina from IGN has written an hands on article for the New Play Control Pikmin and it is extremely promising. LINK
"If you're a die-hard Pikmin fan, consider this your collector's edition -- the game the way it should've played from the beginning. And if you're new to the series, well, now is your chance to support one of Nintendo's great franchises -- one that has gone overlooked and under-appreciated by gamers for too long.. "
This is spectacular news for a huge fan such as myself :)
"Furthermore, given the fact that the original Pikmin sold less than 700,000 units in America (and its sequel much less), the sad truth is that even a lot of Nintendo fans have yet to go hands-on with the spectacular franchise"
:( What's wrong with you people. Pikmin should be put up there with Mario and Zelda and Pikmin 2 is nothing short of a masterpiece!
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