Hey, The Nintendo 3ds has finally come to the uk. I went into Game today and see the nintendo 3ds behind the counter. Its avalable for anyone to play. Just ask. It only has the face raiders game and ar games. Until launch anyway. Gamestation also has the 3ds avalable to play. Again just ask at the counter and they will let you have a go. I played it for the first time and I was amazed from what I was seeing. The ar games are incredable. I played fishing and the box shooting game. Also I played the face raiders game too. The 3d blew me away its really a new experence and a great one at that. It was the very first time i managed to get my hands on a 3ds and first time I played one. My first thoughts are wow glad I pre ordered this baby. I was in the shop for like an hour playing it. The 3ds is truely amazing and I'm sure it wont disappoint you. Anyway thats my first play and thought on the 3ds. Please comment if you too have played the 3ds at your local game store yet and us all know what you thought.
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