Let me start by giving some background on myself. I'm a 24 years old, happily engaged nursing student who has been a gamer most of his life. I started playing games on my dad's old atari system and received a regular nintendo shortly after it's launch. From there, I never looked back. I was such an avid nintendo fan that I even subscribed to their "Nintendo Power" magazine for countless years of my childhood. Super nintendo was and still is my absolute favorite system to date. Why? Because it had amazing role playing games.
Games like Secret of Mana, Final fantasy 3 (america release), Chrono Trigger, and so on. These were 2d games that kept me hooked for hours on end. Simply because the storyline was so fasciniating that I wanted to know more. The combat systems were unique in each game as well. SoM combat was in real-time. Chrono trigger had the ability to combine "techs" to make more powerful unique attacks. And FF3 was unique in that it featured a primative materia system, where winning fights with an esper equipped would eventually teach you the spells it knew.
My rabid fanboy-ism for nintendo died suddenly. Had I finally outgrown Nintendo? What happened? I don't think I'd outgrown nintendo, rather, nintendo changed in a way I could not agree with. I'll elaborate a bit further down. The nintendo 64 was the last nintendo console I ever purchased. After nintendo 64, I purchased a playstation 2. Why? Because ps2 had better roleplaying games, plain and simple. And, they didn't all feature Mario or Luigi.
Oddly enough, I can tell you exactly when I called and cancelled my subscription and lost faith in nintendo. When Pokemon took over. I received like 3-4 months of nothing but pokemon issues of the magazine and was disgusted. What happened to the gripping storylines of RPGs? The combat, dissolved into pitting monsters against eachother? While it was a unique Idea and I give japan developers credit, it can't even compare to RPGs created years earlier! Also, focusing 100% of your energy into that franchise and abandoning all new unique IP's is a horrible strategy.
Fast forward to today. Nintendo is now the 'gimmick' system. You buy 'gimmick' attachments for 'gimmick' games. It doesn't get any shallower than this. 90% of games for the system feature Mario or Sonic. There aren't many new IP's for the system at all. Rather, they are "Wii" making (re-make, get it?) old games with better graphics. While I agree, better graphics are nice, they aren't necessary. Look at Braid for instance. It's a 2d platformer that went gold pretty darn fast. Look at maple story, it's the #1 free MMO out there (highest rate of income) and it too, is 2d. I'm sure you've heard it from the x-box fanboys a ton, but I'm going to say it one more time. Nintendo is beating a dead horse for cash. How many more times will you be content with legend of zelda? How many more times do you want to see Super ultra omega nova smash brothers brawl? Eventually we'll see SIM mario, where you get to watch him clean the dishes.
Right about now you should be contemplating the title of this topic versus the last paragraph. Because yes, it is hypocritical. Yes, I want nintendo to remake an older game for the Wii. But that's where the similarities end. Chrono trigger is viewed by many as the best RPG ever. The story was amazing, the characters unique, the combat fun, and the replay value almost limitless. If you haven't played it, I recommend you do. What I want nintendo to do, is not to make chrono trigger in 3d with awesome graphics. (Chrono cross tried this, and while it was fun, the story was rediculously atrocious) I want Chrono trigger 2. I want a 2d game with great storyline and amazing music. (See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NITRZK8z0ek&feature=related). Bring back some, but not all, of the characters. Retake your throne as king of RPGs nintendo. Prove to the world that you still have the ability to produce a truly quality game without the gimmicks attached.
Honestly, I would purchase a Wii if this game were made, and made as a true tribute to all the nintendo fans out there who appreciate the old, wonderful rpgs of yesteryear. Square-enix, please, get to work. Nintendo needs your help.
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