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I'm pretty sure it will, although its a lame feature imo. Wtf is the point of training if ur just gonna choose their lvl in fights?flclempireDo a free battle. I'm not gonna lie, it would be super annoying going online and every time you put yourself out there, the other guy's monsters are 20 lvls higher than you. I think they should have 4 lvl ranges. If you guys are above a certain range, you can downgrade. I dont think you should be able to upgrade though.
Like the fight ranges should be Lvl 25, 50, 75 and 100. If your guy is lvl 35, you should be able to drop down for a lvl 25 battle but go into a lvl 50 battle as is.
I'm just hoping the Battle Revolution has the drop down feature cause all the pokemon you find near the battle tower are all of lvl 50. It would suck if you cant use em like in Stadium. I had a lvl 83 Raichu that was basically useless to me on the stadium games.
I hate the idea of upgrading or downgrading at all!
When you go against a trainer who has lower/higher level pokemon than you do, does he suddenly stop and say "Oh hold on, I have to downgrade/upgrade my pokemon so it's fair." I don't think so.
If there aren't a lot of people online, and the only two players online have completely different pokemon levels, let them fight if they want to!Â
I hate the idea of upgrading or downgrading at all!
When you go against a trainer who has lower/higher level pokemon than you do, does he suddenly stop and say "Oh hold on, I have to downgrade/upgrade my pokemon so it's fair." I don't think so.
If there aren't a lot of people online, and the only two players online have completely different pokemon levels, let them fight if they want to!Â
 You can still do that. It's just a waste of time. Where's the fun in going up against a guy who has Lvl 60+ Pokemon and yours are Lvl 35? Unless you are some kind of lucky or damn skilled, you will end up with all your pokemon fainted before the other guy ever has to Switch out.
I might want to get D&P then. because all this EV training crap was way to much work for me, but now i can just go online and fight anyone at the same Level reguardless of training!
Nintendo was really thinking of us Lazy trainers, i thank them, and if they have this feature in PBR, ill buy it!
I might want to get D&P then. because all this EV training crap was way to much work for me, but now i can just go online and fight anyone at the same Level reguardless of training!
Nintendo was really thinking of us Lazy trainers, i thank them, and if they have this feature in PBR, ill buy it!
Dont get too lazy. Your Pokemon ups a few levels but their moves dont. A level 50 Chimchar with moves like Ember, tackle and Scratch wont get you too far. ;)
Will the high level pokemon still be able to keep the Moves that they learned at level 50+? Will the opponent know what item the pokemon is hiding?
Last but not least, I have never played an online match against someone, do you gain exp for peer to peer battles? Yes, I am a n00b at this.
Will the high level pokemon still be able to keep the Moves that they learned at level 50+? Will the opponent know what item the pokemon is hiding?
Last but not least, I have never played an online match against someone, do you gain exp for peer to peer battles? Yes, I am a n00b at this.
You keep the same moves, you dont gain experience points, No one sees your items, the lvl shift isn't permanent, you can do free battles and keep your real lvls if you want to, You can chat with the guy you're fighting the whole time or not. It's just like the Battle Tower/Stadium games except all pokemon are welcome(U can use legendary Pokes) and 2 pokes can have the same item in your party.
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