hi there,
dont seem to have TM flash so digletts cave was dark and cant seem to fly to violet city to get it, wont let me fly there :( also the snorlax was blocking the way and couldnt get past that either.. so i am stuck, please help!
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hi there,
dont seem to have TM flash so digletts cave was dark and cant seem to fly to violet city to get it, wont let me fly there :( also the snorlax was blocking the way and couldnt get past that either.. so i am stuck, please help!
hi there,
dont seem to have TM flash so digletts cave was dark and cant seem to fly to violet city to get it, wont let me fly there :( also the snorlax was blocking the way and couldnt get past that either.. so i am stuck, please help!
1. You can't fly directly from Kanto to Johto and vice versa. You must first fly to the Pokemon League and then from there go to wherever to need to go.
2. You can by the Flash TM in the Goldenrod Dept. Store I believe.
3. In order to wake up Snorlax, you'll need to get the PokeFlute channel on your radio. In order to do that, you must fix the problem at the Power Plant.
how do i get to the power plant? i went into the kanto radio station and it said i cant tune any channels on my radio and i need a card, not sure what that is! and thanks for the tip about flying that part is now sorted! delectabledoz
Ah yes, the power plant can be a bit tricky to get to.
If you go east of Cerulean City and go to the very end, you'll eventually reach a Pokemon Center and an entrance to the Rock Tunnel. NORTH of here is a small patch of grass as well as a channel of water. If you surf on the water and go to the very end, you'll reach the Power Plant.
From there, i'm sure you can help solve their little problem. :D
IIRC, a lot of stuff isn't available until you resolve the Power Plant problem; including the card you need for the radio.
Once you've got all 16 badges, you can fight Red on top of Mt. Silver. He's got lvl 80+ Pokemon though.
You can get some goodies after beating him like getting a Kanto and Hoenn starter Pokemon. Then, I suppose you could say that you've beaten the game.
I wouldn't say there's an end to any Pokemon game though; there's so much stuff you can do if your a big Pokemon fan. ex) Catching all the legendaries, filling your Pokedex, Battle Frontier, train a competitive team, etc.
To beat anything in the game, just pack a pokemon with Intimidate and a bunch of revives. When you have problems with anything, just switch in the intimidate pokemon, revive something else that has fainted when he's in, and let it die. Switch-in anything else and revive the "Intimidator". Repeat. Soon enough, the opponent will be unable to beat a cartepie. This won't work on any poke that uses only his SpAtk, but there is nothing important that is SpAtk based .
Or simply grind a lot. A single uber-powered poke +5 death fodder > 6 mild powered pokes.
For getting through the main game, if you level up high enough, you can generally use an ineffective move and it could still end up doing tons of damage. However, that takes the fun out of it (at least for me :P).
Usually, it doesn't matter too much what moves you teach an ingame Pokemon but it makes a difference to have some variety of good moves.
Perhaps you could post the moves of each of your Pokemon so I can see if anything needs improvement.
Okay, here goes some pro-tips:
1° - Never use two damaging moves of the same type without a 'friggin good reason. Typlosion have 3 fire damaging moves. Then I ask you: Why? You're aways going to use the most powerful anyway. Choose one and ditch the rest for moves of other types to get more super-effective hits on more pokemon.
2° - Don't spread HMs over your team. Dedicate a pokemon to have all them. Most HMs you'll only use once upon a blue moon, and most others are good moves anyway. Cut for example. How many time you really need to use it? once, twice, thrice at most? Teach it to a random poke, use, deposit on the PC and forget that you ever used it.
3° - Pay attention to the pokes stats. Gyarados have a much higher Atk than SpAtk, so there is no point in it having Hydro Pump, which uses SpAtk, on it. Waterfall will aways deal more damage.
4° - When you use a move with the same type as your poke - IE, a fire poke using fire moves - your damage have a 50% bonus called STAB. Aways have at least one STAB move on each pokemon.
Okay, here goes some pro-tips:
1° - Never use two damaging moves of the same type without a 'friggin good reason. Typlosion have 3 fire damaging moves. Then I ask you: Why? You're aways going to use the most powerful anyway. Choose one and ditch the rest for moves of other types to get more super-effective hits on more pokemon.
2° - Don't spread HMs over your team. Dedicate a pokemon to have all them. Most HMs you'll only use once upon a blue moon, and most others are good moves anyway. Cut for example. How many time you really need to use it? once, twice, thrice at most? Teach it to a random poke, use, deposit on the PC and forget that you ever used it.
3° - Pay attention to the pokes stats. Gyarados have a much higher Atk than SpAtk, so there is no point in it having Hydro Pump, which uses SpAtk, on it. Waterfall will aways deal more damage.
4° - When you use a move with the same type as your poke - IE, a fire poke using fire moves - your damage have a 50% bonus called STAB. Aways have at least one STAB move on each pokemon.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
One of the problems i'm definitely noticing is HM moves everywhere as well as using the same type of move on a single Pokemon.
Generally, you should consider using an HM slave. A Pokemon you dont need to train because all you teach it are HM moves. Furret is actually a great HM slave since it learns a lot of HMs. Although after you beat the game, you don't really need things like Cut, Rock Smash anymore. Surf and Fly are the only really useful ones at the end of the game.
Second comment I have to make regards using more than one move of a single type. Here's an example, you have two Water type moves. One is Surf with 95 base power and 100% accuracy. The other one is Water Pulse with 60 base power and 100% Accuracy. Why would you ever use Water Pulse when Surf is better everytime. Instead, why not see if your Pokemon could learn something else useful like an Ice attack. Now, you have a Water type move and an Ice type move. This makes your Pokemon a lot more versatile.
Also remember that generally Accuracy > Power. Thunder (120 Base Power/70% Accuracy) vs Thunderbolt (95 base Power/100% Accuracy)
Thunderbolt is usually the better choice. There's rain dance but I won't go into that.
One last thing, like Icare0 said, try to have one attack that is the same type as the Pokemon for the STAB bonus. A fire type should know one fire move. A water type should know one water move.
ahh i get it never knew if you knew a few of the same moves it wasn't good like a few fire moves and i do now see that too many of them do have cut which isn't necessary .. how would i be able to get an ice type move? maybe i could look and see what i have in my bag and see if i picked up any along the way? delectabledoz
It was only an example. The bottom line is "with more moves of different types you can hit more pokes for super effective damage". A Water pokemon with only Water attacks can only hit super-effectively Rock, Fire and Ground pokes. If you add an Ice type move, you will add to that list Flyers, Dragons and Grass-types. Now think how many stuff you can easily beat with an Starmie that have Surf/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt.
yeah thats true.. which moves are good to use in order of the gym leaders pokemon and could i beat them with the pokemon and moves i have got? delectabledoz
You *can* beat anything in the game using anything. But it'll require some grinding.
The other options are: begin a new game, or grinding a new poke from scratch.
defo dont wanna begin a new game.. maybe can teach some of the pokemon a few diff moves? here are some i have in my bag: water pulse, giga drain, psychic, shock wave, sludge bomb, torment, overheat, roost, fling, charge beam , drain punch, rock slide, poison jab, whirlpool, rock smash, waterfall delectabledoz
Well, you'll have to grind. A lot.
Of all these moves, only Roost, Charge Beam, Surf and Waterfall have some use, but none of your pokemon have any use for them.
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