Hi !
I'll need to know what YOU did, and what YOU think is best of something!
So if you play the game Pokémon Pearl, please read!
Did/do you train your Pokémons as all of them is about lvl 20-30 when you are around the fifth gym?
Or did/do you train one Pokémon as a lvl 35-45 and the others 5-20 ?
Or what did you do?
I'll need to know your meenings! :D
It will help me a lot! I'll choose the Chimchar at the start, and now I'll have the Infernoape at lvl 42 and I haven't even done gym 5. And I'll think that's best becouse of i can do the most of the enemy's Pokémon(s) at 1 or maybe 2 hits. So they all almost can't hit me together :D
But I'll do really need to have your meenings, so please answer! =D
-wrseb . 8)
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