my name is lee add me ill add you 1118 8191 9118
hey lee what's up? am gonna add u man, by the way, do u got a regice you can trade me? i need one, please and i'll helo in what i can. this is my code and name: Itachi - 3438 1106 5046 add me! :P
i havnt i could do with one myself im trying to add as many friends as poss so i can fill my pokedex up.
hey RS i added you on my pal pad Name:STEVEN FC:4468 9668 8461 if you still want to battle just send me a message
ye lets battel but just to let u know my pokemon team has not reached there heighest levels yet oh did u add me then tell me when u want to battel
hey im a rare collector anyone looking for a pokemon they cant catch in platinum tell me. Tanner is the name. Fc: 0646-7848-3929
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