If you're going to buy anything, go on Amazon's wii site and check out the deals page. THey have either Nyko or Madcatz cables and they are cheap as hell, I think under $10. Can't beat that, especially with reputable brands like those.
If you're going to buy anything, go on Amazon's wii site and check out the deals page. THey have either Nyko or Madcatz cables and they are cheap as hell, I think under $10. Can't beat that, especially with reputable brands like those.DoctorAnonymous
You lose all credibility when you refer to Madcatz as a 'reputable' brand.
I've heard some 3rd party cables are good, and I've heard some are bad. You either have to do some research or just buy Nintendo's cable.
It may not make a dramatic difference, but I'm going to always assume that the people who made the system also make the best accessories for it. Doesn't that make sense?
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