Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think these are the most major series people want revived.
2D Donkey Kong games: Everyone loved Donkey Kong country, and everyone would love it even more if it replaced the bongo series we are stuck with now.
Kid Iscarus: With it's release date falling on the same day as Super Metroid, Kid Iscarus was cast in a giant shadow, and therefore did not manage spectacular sales (As far as i know). Yet fans around the world discovered this masterpiece and loved it to death, allowing Nintendo to make a sequel. But despite our constant begging, they wouldn't make a third, until perhaps now. With his inclusion in Brawl, maybe our Friend pit is preparing for another epic adventure!
Earthbound: I don't think this one needs an explanation as to what it is. Now, on to the reason it might be resurrected. Why would there be two earthbound reps in Brawl? All of the other dead series have only one. Heck, even some of the series that are still going strong only had one!
Now it's time for YOU to make your vote and then post and explain it. Begin!
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