I got an e-mail recently from Gamespot from their Gamecube newsletter and I think this from Ryan Davis (Assoicate Editor) says it better than I could-
"After living through the third-party droughts of the N64 and the GameCube, I'm pretty comfortable at this point with the notion that my Wii will be used primarily to play games developed and published by Nintendo. While there will always be the occasional inspired third-party game, I fully expect a lot of it to be a dumbed-down port with some slapdash motion controls. For this reason, I wasn't terribly surprised by Prince of Persia Rival Swords for the Wii, which was basically Ubisoft taking Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, which came out on other systems in late 2005, but with some predictable Wii-styled controls. As you'll see in our review, it's not a bad game, but I'm comfortable saying that this isn't the kind of game I bought the Wii to play."
I liked the Prince of Persia series on the Gamecube but if this is what we are going to get on the Wii, why bother? I mean it's great to include Wii controls but at least include some new cut scenes, add some new levels, update the graphics more... make it more appealing than the version which came out 2 years ago. I hope Resident Evil 4 Wii doesn't fall into that view as well.
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