After you complete Diamond, Pearl, or the to-be-released Platinum, you will gain access to a blocked off area in the game that allows you to transfer Pokemon from any GBA iteration of the Pokemon games: Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Leaf Green, and Fire Red.
There is, however, a catch to this. Once you have traded over 6 Pokemon, you must wait 24 hours to do it again, you cannot transfer them back to any of the GBA games that they originated from, and you must obviously have space in your boxes for the new six Pokemon. If you don't have any quams with these rules then feel free.
One last note: The current DS and DS Lite both have a GBA slot for replaying old GBA games. The next system, the anticipated DSi, does not contain this GBA functionality and thus, will not be able to transfer from GBA (Barring some product that connects to the system and makes this possible.)
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