Ok, but let's look what we have right now
1. The Wii itself holds at least a dozen games (more then that but I'm giving safe numbers)
2. The SD card holds 2gig worth of games, the only thing there is that you need to copy the game over.
Now we know that the Wii already takes SD cards up to 4gig but the problem there is that it's not universal, so far we've only seen certain brands with certain production runs working. But the option is there if Nintendo wants to explore it. Using an SD card would be faster then a hard drive and be 100% sure never to break unlike a hard drive.
I think when the time comes we'll see Nintendo open up the features of the SD card and let people run information directly from the SD card. Right now it's not in Nintendo's best interest because the games saves are very small, there's only one game that has a custome soundtrack, and there's unlimited space for the Virtual Console games online. There's no pressing need there.
I wouldn't mind more space but I'd rather their efforts go elsewhere right now since nothing on the Wii NEEDS storage right now.
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