ok heres my team i dont give them items and i dont keep track of evee training or what ever its called so lets begin :) level 70 torterra stats attack 162 defence172 sp.atk138 sp.def131 speed.130 moves. earthquake frenzy plant wood hammer super power level70 electivire attack203 defence122 sp.atk168 sp.def139 speed155 iron tail thunder thunderbolt superpower level 71 magmotar attack162 defence117 sp.atk235 sp.def165 speed144 moves overheat fireblast flamethrower focas blast level71 togekiss attack114 defence149 sp.atk202 sp.def193 speed147 moves aura sphere airs lash waterpulse ancient power by the way ability senre grace level70 tyrinitar attack233 defence201 sp.atk170 sp.def151 speed109 moves crunch earthquake superpower stone edge level70 swampert attack174 defence148 sp.atk152 sp.defence146 speed121 moves ice punch earthquake aqua tail hydro cannon what do you think i didnt put that much info but how would you rate it i like the moves i chose alot
pokemon are good but the moveset suck sorry. torterra-earthquake, sunny day, synthesis, and solarbeam electevire-low kick, ice punch, thunder punch, and swords dance/bulk up magmortar-flamethower, focus blast, calm mind(if it can learn it) and wil o wisp togekiss is fine tyranitar is fine swampert- surf over hydro cannon. hydro cannon and frenzy plant are basically elemtal hyper beams. i wouldnt recomend using them. also is this team for battling with friends or just in story?
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