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-Chicago Typewritter
-Handcannon (fully upgraded)
-Infinite Rocket Launcher
-Striker (fully upgraded)
I didn't even need a fifth weapon when I had all of these. Oh also, I have the gamecube version so I'm not positive that all of the weapons here are in the wii version.
Here are my best, non-special weapons.
-Red 9 (fully upgraded+stock)
-Striker (fully upgraded)
-Broken Butterfly (fully upgraded)
-Tmp(fully upgraded+Stock)
-Punisher (fully upgraded)
For the special weapons, I like the Handcannon (fully upgraded) and the chicago typewriter the most.
if you ask me:
punisher(fully upgraded)
tmp(stock + fully upgraded)
striker(fully upgraded)
killer 7(fully upgraded):D
semi-auto rifle)scope + fully upgraded)
Not including the secret ones:
1. Striker
2. TMP
3. Killer 7
4. Rifle
5. Handgun
I like the Chicago Typewriter and Infinite Launcher.
not including unlocked one
Red 9- strongest pistol so it saves amo
Semi Auto Riffle- just overall better than the normal riffle, long range is helpfull in places
Riot Gun- you get it earlier than the striker and its pretty strong
Killer 7- overall more balanced than the broken butterfly
Mine Thrower- just cause its fun and hilarious to use/ not good cause of rare amo
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