look at that early build up of the game, i but they could use that build to use it on the wii
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look at that early build up of the game, i but they could use that build to use it on the wii
for crying out loud, will people give this RE5 crap a rest why do wii owners want a port? It truly boggles me. It's as if they want worse games for their system :? if you want RE5, play it on the system it was intended on. Like every gaming gen, there will be games you can't play on one system and will require you buying another system. *goes on rampage*Sonick54
so true
Well, the amount of enemies on screen will be sacrificed, the foliage and trees will look bad, lighting will be poorer, AI is gonna be worse and I don't think co-op would be possible on Wii hardware.
Part of the atmosphere of RE 5 is the graphics. If the graphics are lowered, then so too will be the atmosphere.
RE 5 should be played on the other consoles. A port would slaughter the game.
Instead of RE5 on the Wii I would just like to see another RE game on the Wii that is similar to RE4. The Wii has a large enough install base to make a game designed specifically for it I would think. Don't get me wrong, I like RE5 on my Xbox, but I loved RE4 on the Wii the controls were perfect and I would like to see something new that uses the same setup.
RE4 was possible for the GCN ._. , why not make make RE5 for wii with similar graphics but little better since the wii is at least 1.5x powerful than the GCN ?
i meant graphics like RE4 :D
The gap in power last gen wasn't that big. BTW, we're getting a rail shooter. That alone should tell us that capcom isn't giving us RE5.Because the other consoles are 10 times more powerful than the Wii and RE5 is one of the best looking games on those consoles. Also, a lot more than graphics would have to be sacrificed. The whole game would have to built from the ground up and Capcom has said numerous times that they are not doing it.RE4 was possible for the GCN ._. , why not make make RE5 for wii with similar graphics but little better since the wii is at least 1.5x powerful than the GCN ?
Everything is possible. It just depends on how much you're willing to sacrifice.ArnalionJudging by some of the RE fans on this forum, that includes everything and their first-born. :P
What would have to be worse on a Wii version?
- Graphics
- Sound
- Controls
- AI
So yeah, in my part of the world we call that THE GAME
Graphics I can definitely agree with you on. While they wouldn't look horrible, they wouldn't look like the PS3/360 versions.
Sound, not so much but I can see partially what you are saying. (I just need to know what you mean by the Sound, would you mind explaining that?) I need to have a better understanding of what you mean.
Controls, The only part I will have to disagree with you on. After playing RE5 on PS3 (Not sure about the Xbox360 version), the controls would definitely be better on the Wii. For one, you have to hold L1 to Aim and press R1 to Shoot which is perfectly fine, but When you have to run with the "X" button and Turn with the Right Analog, it just doesn't work out. You can't run and turn a corner on that game due to how the buttons are setup. You have to Run in a straight line, then let go of the "X" button, Walk around the corner, then press the "X" button again to Run. That just isn't a good setup. The controls on the Wii would run circles around the PS3 controls anyday. Aiming would be ALOT easier & the ability to "Run" around a corner would be possible.
AI, now from what I've played, all the Zombies seem to do is run out at you, throw bottles or whatever they throw, and the bosses just seem to do the same motions. This one too would need some clarification if you don't mind, my good fellow citizen.
^ in terms of AI, what about Sheva?? that would be the biggest problem. I do agree with you on the controls though
I have to disagree, though if they ported the game to the Wii, the graphics would have to be downgraded, yet it wouldn't be horrible. The Wii's graphics are suffice, it's about how the game plays not about how good the graphics are. It just that a lot of third-party companies get lazy when they make a control scheme for the Wii, but it can work for an Action/Shooter like RE5, the Wii Nunchuck and Remote are perfect for games like this. Anyway, if they don't make the game for the Wii, I'm gonna get it for the PC, when it comes out in June :D
Having completed RE5 on the Xbox 360 I have seen nothing that cannot be replicated on the Wii except the cutscenes which would be turned to video anyway.
Number of enemies: anyone telling you theres hundreds on screen at once is lying through the teeth there's rarely ten, and at most there was maybe over twenty.
Destructable environments: The only destructable bits were at the public assembly in the very start where the executioner demolishes a few walls which are clearly marked as such, and a few shacks there can be destroyed. However detructable stuff isn't new, it hapened in RE4 during fights with Gigante in the village. As for clutter, you can knock a few boxes around, smash barrels (from RE4), slash fruit, shatter skulls but it's not that huge a deal Wii should certainly be able to handle it.
Graphics: Character/enemy models are high res but the environments aren't quite there they are sort of like UC (edit: or RE4 quality). Bloom lighting and dynamic shadows including self shadowing are new to Resident Evil but certianly not to Wii, they were accomplished in Gamecube games like Rogue Leader and Twilight Princess. The water and fire seemed to be directly from RE4. Locations weren't any bigger then RE4's. We could still have a decent 480p experience with it I am sure.
Animations: There's a few new useless ones where Chris or Sheva will pack a item away or eat a egg but we really dont want that, enemies moves are copied and pasted from RE4.
Partner: this is nothing, Sheva (or later Chris) stays by you and shoots any regular enemy but makes no effort to take a headshot unless you need to hit a boss at specific part or has to aim low at a dog, high at a flyer or a enemy overhead.
I suggest you check out any RE5 walkthrough on Youtubeand watch thoroughly, it is basically a retread of RE4, and a inferior one for single player.
If you still want it for wii, as I do purely for the controls, we should really renewthe campaign and make alarger effort with Capcom for a Wii edition.
Personally I would want them to revise the single player to be more like that E3 2007 trailer.
Graphics: Character/enemy models are high res but the environments aren't quite there they are sort of like UC.
You know why they're nothing like Umbrella Chronicles right?
I'm referrng to the close up details of the environments, like the ground, walls and items and stuff, they are surprisingly low res. It's probably because the game was made for PS3 in mind which doesnt have the same amount of memory as the 360.
^ in terms of AI, what about Sheva?? that would be the biggest problem. I do agree with you on the controls though
Partner: this is nothing, Sheva (or later Chris) stays by you and shoots any regular enemy but makes no effort to take a headshot unless you need to hit a boss at specific part or has to aim low at a dog, high at a flyer or a enemy overhead.
In terms of AI involving Sheva from what I've played of RE5, I find Ganados0's quote to be 100% true. So Sheva's AI (From what I've seen of her) shouldn't be that much of a problem.
For the record, RE4:Wii Edition is still the best Resident Evil game ever, and has the best controls. RE5 is not that great.
If we get RE5: Wii Edition, I hope it's a completely different game, because the PS3/XBox360 versions completely messed up the story.
For the record, RE4:Wii Edition is still the best Resident Evil game ever, and has the best controls. RE5 is not that great.
If we get RE5: Wii Edition, I hope it's a completely different game, because the PS3/XBox360 versions completely messed up the story.
Or what about Capcom makes a Resident Evil game solely for the Wii? thus taking out the crappiness of the ports AND they can fully utilize the Wii the way it was intended to.
Plus The dark side chronicles looks like a really good game, and only on the Wii.
For the record, RE4:Wii Edition is still the best Resident Evil game ever, and has the best controls. RE5 is not that great.
If we get RE5: Wii Edition, I hope it's a completely different game, because the PS3/XBox360 versions completely messed up the story.
What Ganados0 stated I agree after clocking the game on PS3, ..tho the superior control on Wii will almost guarantee me buying on Wii rather than PS3 or XBOX360 *Im not kidding*
I agree with you RE4 is a better game compare to RE5, RE5 you hav 2 bosses repeated? why? & you're @ a stand still against the giant? wtf?..the ai companion is a joke in veteran mode, & even a bigger joke in Professional.
RE4 had better boss fight, Leon had better melee combo & a better single player gameplay - how skillful you are determine when you die, not some stupid ai who decides to run into traps or get itself killed.
The story is not messed up its supposedly finihsing up the story or killing off Wesker @ least ...abt time too ...besides the story you ain't missing much.
@ TC
"reisdent evil 5 wii not possible? pshh"
It depends on what you mean by 'possible'? If you mean making RE5 on the Wii exactly like the HD systems, then no (as you and everyone else knows).
It's definitely possible to bring RE5 over to the Wii without it looking like an eye sore. It may be a significant downgrade (visually)compared to the HD systems, but it can still look good. We already know RE5 would control much better on the Wii. A decent presentation with appropriate controls = A winner!
However, there's nothing really special about RE5 in general. So don't feel too bad about it's absence on the Wii.
Having completed RE5 on the Xbox 360 I have seen nothing that cannot be replicated on the Wii except the cutscenes which would be turned to video anyway.
Number of enemies: anyone telling you theres hundreds on screen at once is lying through the teeth there's rarely ten, and at most there was maybe over twenty.
Destructable environments: The only destructable bits were at the public assembly in the very start where the executioner demolishes a few walls which are clearly marked as such, and a few shacks there can be destroyed. However detructable stuff isn't new, it hapened in RE4 during fights with Gigante in the village. As for clutter, you can knock a few boxes around, smash barrels (from RE4), slash fruit, shatter skulls but it's not that huge a deal Wii should certainly be able to handle it.
Graphics: Character/enemy models are high res but the environments aren't quite there they are sort of like UC (edit: or RE4 quality). Bloom lighting and dynamic shadows including self shadowing are new to Resident Evil but certianly not to Wii, they were accomplished in Gamecube games like Rogue Leader and Twilight Princess. The water and fire seemed to be directly from RE4. Locations weren't any bigger then RE4's. We could still have a decent 480p experience with it I am sure.
Animations: There's a few new useless ones where Chris or Sheva will pack a item away or eat a egg but we really dont want that, enemies moves are copied and pasted from RE4.
Partner: this is nothing, Sheva (or later Chris) stays by you and shoots any regular enemy but makes no effort to take a headshot unless you need to hit a boss at specific part or has to aim low at a dog, high at a flyer or a enemy overhead.
I suggest you check out any RE5 walkthrough on Youtubeand watch thoroughly, it is basically a retread of RE4, and a inferior one for single player.
If you still want it for wii, as I do purely for the controls, we should really renewthe campaign and make alarger effort with Capcom for a Wii edition.
Personally I would want them to revise the single player to be more like that E3 2007 trailer.
This! I've been through the game twice already and I couldn't agree more.
And I wish people would stop raving about Sheva's AI. Its actually pretty terrible. I found her no more useful than a walking, talking storage box and medic that wastes all my ammo.
Yeah, just look at Dead Rising. lol.
Dead Rising was actually pretty good on the Wii, not saying it's as good as the 360 one, but it was still a good port. You should play the game before making assumptions.
This people keep crying about how Wii can't handle RE5 is getting old and needs to stop.
It can't
Capcom even said it can't handle it's title screen
Unless you think Capcom is now telling lies
You love these facts. Well the company says it's impossible so......
It can't -- you honestly expect to see RE5 -- a console made to utilize the assets of those consoles -- being able to run on a Wii, which has very limited hardware in comparison? really?This people keep crying about how Wii can't handle RE5 is getting old and needs to stop.
why do wii owners want a port?Sonick54Better a port of a new game than the ports of old game's we're getting. :P
Screw the atmosphere.Well, the amount of enemies on screen will be sacrificed, the foliage and trees will look bad, lighting will be poorer, AI is gonna be worse and I don't think co-op would be possible on Wii hardware.
Part of the atmosphere of RE 5 is the graphics. If the graphics are lowered, then so too will be the atmosphere.
RE 5 should be played on the other consoles. A port would slaughter the game.
Atmosphere my butt, if theres one thing it lacked it was that through a poor choice of soundtrack, sound effects and despite some technical mastery with shadows it all goes to waste in a game set in daylight.
The enemies weren't as goodin comparison too, you get villagers coming at you with bottles, machetes would have been alot better. You get tribal warriors in chapter 2 and 3 who aren't a patch on RE4's monks on a more posative note the ganados in chapters 5 and 6 could use machine gunsthoughthe bosses and creatures weren't great in comparison either.
If a wii port were to happen I reckon atmosphere could be restored if Chapters one and two were set at night and the onlyillumination came from smallfires, light bulbs, torches andthe glow of plagas infected eyesand if chapter3's tribal areas were thick in fog. Put some novastidors in the caverns ofchapter 4 and replace the Lickers with Hunters in chapter 5 and it could be alot more scary.
This people keep crying about how Wii can't handle RE5 is getting old and needs to stop.
It can't
Capcom even said it can't handle it's title screen
Unless you think Capcom is now telling lies
You love these facts. Well the company says it's impossible so......
If you're going by some ridiculously absurd hyberbole rather than actually seeing the games title screen first hand, its true.
If you've actually played the game, or even the demo, and saw the title screen, you'd know how much of a lie it truly is. It was just hot air to hype the game. Metroid Prime 2's title screen was more complex than RE5's. Maybe he meant the Wii couldn't do it at the resolution the other consoles can, but it most certainly could be done. There is absolutely nothing special about it.
This people keep crying about how Wii can't handle RE5 is getting old and needs to stop.
It can't
Capcom even said it can't handle it's title screen
Unless you think Capcom is now telling lies
You love these facts. Well the company says it's impossible so......
If you're going by some ridiculously absurd hyberbole rather than actually seeing the games title screen first hand, its true.
If you've actually played the game, or even the demo, and saw the title screen, you'd know how much of a lie it truly is. It was just hot air to hype the game. Metroid Prime 2's title screen was more complex than RE5's. Maybe he meant the Wii couldn't do it at the resolution the other consoles can, but it most certainly could be done. There is absolutely nothing special about it.
Now you think that Capcom is telling lies
It can't
Capcom even said it can't handle it's title screen
Unless you think Capcom is now telling lies
You love these facts. Well the company says it's impossible so......
If you're going by some ridiculously absurd hyberbole rather than actually seeing the games title screen first hand, its true.
If you've actually played the game, or even the demo, and saw the title screen, you'd know how much of a lie it truly is. It was just hot air to hype the game. Metroid Prime 2's title screen was more complex than RE5's. Maybe he meant the Wii couldn't do it at the resolution the other consoles can, but it most certainly could be done. There is absolutely nothing special about it.
Now you think that Capcom is telling lies
Actually, I KNOW they are telling lies. The evidence is right in front of our faces to support it. Boot the 2 games up and see for yourself.
And it wouldn't be the first time they lied or have you forgotten The Capcom 5? Or how about when they confirmed that the RE5 box art wasn't lying when it said the game was to have 2-16 offline multi-player, then they confirmed it was "wrong".
Actually, allow me to retract my previous statement about Capcom telling lies. I'll say instead that they simply just shouldn't run their mouth. That better?
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