[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"][QUOTE="soulreaper-4"] Dude pleas use your mind! Do you really think an I-pod nano, just plastic the size of a coin with on button and a 1 to 1.5 inches screen cost more than a 3DS? When you get one of those ipods you are getting just flash memory in a box.riariases
Sorry, I didn't make it clear enough. I am talking about the iPod Touch, 4th generation, with 8GB storage, Wireless N, custom Apple A4 CPU, 512MB RAM. It's raw matierals are $180. It's sold for $230. I thought I already mentioned that, but I guess I didn't.
I am not saying anything about the Nano.
You brought up the iPods, and I'm just saying, they are sold for a $50 profit per unit with only raw matierals considered.
No its raw materials are better estimated around $100. Its less than half the size of a 3DS but it uses more precious metals than the 3DS so it would sort of balance it out. P.S. You still don't understand the concept of "RAW MATERIALS". http://www.google.ca/images?um=1&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-ca%3AIE-SearchBox&biw=1105&bih=492&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=raw+materials&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq= We're not talking "PARTS AND HARDWARE". http://www.google.ca/images?q=parts%20hardware&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-SearchBox&oe=&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1105&bih=492 How does that confuse people on this site so much?I really don't care about it that much, I wasn't even aware anyone was trying to point out "raw matierals" definition to me, or whatever it meant. Seems like Parts and Hardware is the better term.
But regardless, my point stands. Nintendo is making a huge profit off the 3DS. Good for them. I would hope it does cost $100 to make per unit, all costs considered, and wouldn't be surprised if it was in the $150 range all costs considered, as they are not a stupid company and should sell it for a good profit.
It just is a little strange to see the parts and hardware costs that were estimated for the Wii, and see the numbers for the 3DS, and see a much bigger gap.
Like I said, most estimates pointed at $200 parts and stuff for the Wii, and a lot of estimates are pointing at $100 for the 3DS. Yes, of course that doesn't factor in all costs, but certainly the 3DS has much more room for potential profit then the Wii.
I wonder, if Nintendo was willing to only charge roughly $50 more than the parts for a sinlge Wii, that $50 must be going a long way in paying for labor, R&D, etc. So how much farther is $150 going? Hopefully we get actual messaging and some killer features brought to us from the money they are making from this.
And to be fair every iPod Touch brake down I see come every september when a new generation starts seems to always point in the $170-$180 range.
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