Ok I don't visit the Wii boards that much so I don't know if this has been posted before,if it has srry but I think it's time for Nintendo to re-release the Power Glove. When it came out way back when it was a great idea but the technology in hardware just wasn't there yet. But now with the motion sensing the wiimote has it would be the perfect time to bring it back,and this time it could actually WORK. I don't know, maybe Nintendo has already talked about this and I missed it but who else thinks it would be cool?
Just think about it,you could actually do all the things that a device like thatwas meant for. I know in the past it just turned out to be a cheap gimmick but with the Wii it could be put to so many uses. Hell, they could just make a slot for the wiimote on the glove under your wrist or something and give the glove the ability to let you actually pick up objects and really interact with items like never before. :)
Maybe they should have it as a pair of "gloves" one for each hand. Like I said I don't hit the Wii boards too often so I don't know if someone has already brought this up, but if so please don't take up extra space in this post just to say I'm taking up space by posting this heh.
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