only capcom can manage to make hype disappear in an instant....
Reasons why portable game should not be $50
1.-Believe it or not portable market is mainly for younger gamers this trend could limit potential growth of 3ds. The games should be cheap so they can buy with allowance ect. Before I got a job (younger) I could only afford to buy portable games and only get console games on holidays
2.-Unlike console games multiplayer is hard get started locally with friends/family. Console game has multiplayer, no prob have your friend bring his joystick
Try convincing a friend who has a 3ds to buy a $50 game he is not sure about just so he can play with you, not so much
3.-Portable games can be easily stolen or misplaced. Lose your game that sucks but is somewhat easily replaceable at 30 or less. Lose a $50 game a little more harder to take in
4.-portable games will never meet console standards and shouldn't be priced as such. No matter how hard devs try, making portable games without portability in mind (like quick play sessions/saves ect ) just sucks and almost always the games flop.
and console games will always have the bigger screen advantage (mario 3d land was partially designed the way it is due to screen size limitation)
5.-Vita games are also on a 4gb card and are $40 so what makes this game more expensive than uncharted golden abyss
I have no clue on how to explain this one....
well, if you read all of this... thanks. but in all seriousness the only way I will buy a portable game at $50 is if they use the rumored 8gb cards and the games are of xbox/ps3 quality. skyirm on 3ds would be kind of cool : )
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