1. MP3: Corruption (great atmosphere, awesome control, beautiful, and lovely little touches that enhanced the game i.e. you can see more throbbing veins filled with blue phazon on her face in the reflection on her helmet as you progress and she gets more corrupted)
2. No More Heroes (A+ for styIe and humour and funness)
3. LostWinds (very unique, lovely art-styIe, enchanting soundtrack, great game hook)
4. LoZ: TP (game starts slow and wolf parts were tedious, also a little too easy on the whole, but well designed and v. enjoyable later on)
5. SMG (levels are well designed and charming, but very little story for having such an emphasis on it, also some odd checkpoints and got a little boring after a while)
6. MLaaK (is to a gamer as morphine is to an addict)
7.SBCG4AP (funneh)
8. Super Paper Mario (twas okay, just nothing spectacular. Had some funny lines.)
9. Zack & Wiki (for a game that is supposed to be about logic puzzles, it has an annoying habit of taking off points for wrong answers when the only way to solve the puzzle is by guessing, unfairly requiring you to restart if you want full HQ)
10. WiiSports (got boring fast)
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