I have a question about the control scheme in Rune Factory. My DS doesn't accept diagonal movement very well. can this game be played with the stylus alone or does it rely heavily on diagonals?
I tried that. someone told me to sit there with the system off and to work it round. I did it about every night for a month with no results (except getting rid of the "popping" sound i had). It's really difficult to play games like metroid or Super mario 64. I've already sent it back to Nintendo twice and the first time they sent me a faulty unit back (right trigger didn't work at all). the second one came back with the problem as well as the "popping" sound as i moved the pad around. The one i sent them worked better than the ones they sent me. I'm not getting at Nintendo as I have bought every console they ever released (well maybe not a virtual boy) and they have never let me down. I just can't understand why I can't get this issue resolved and now it's effecting the games that i want to play. woe is me.
i dont think diagonals is gonna be a big deal. in my harvest moon ps1 you cant even move diagonaly. but i saw a video of harvest moon ds and you could use full touch so maybe RF will be too... i cant wait till it comes out!!!!!
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