Even though this won't ever happen, I think Shadows of the Colossus would work well on the Wii. You move with the nunchuck, you grab things with Z or B. You jump with A and access the start menu with plus. It might be a hassle to switch weapons with the pad, but you can use that (there are only 2). You use the Wii Remote to aim with the arrow on-screen. You plunge the Wii Remote down physically to stab. You dodge roll by moving with the analog and holding C. What do you think?
You just got my hopes up. My heart literally lept into my mouth. I thought ur post meant that there was a possibility of the game appearing on the Wii. Then I saw you meant how it would play, and I nearly cried.
Its one of the two games I actually want ported to the Wii. The other one is Okami (which is happenning!!!)
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