Hey guys. So since beating ORAS, I've went back and played though Pokemon Blue and then Pokemon Fire Red. I've got to say, despite my love for the Kanto, and many times been called a "genwunner", even though gen2 is my favorite, I could not enjoy it.
I expected it with Blue, Gen 1 has aged horribly, the region design itself is good but too small, the story has a lot of potential but doesn't really use it, and the game feels so limited when you consider it only has 150 Pokemon to pick from.
However, I forgot how little that changed in the remakes. The biggest problem is they didn't add anything worthwhile, the region was a pixel for pixel conversion (with the exception of those useless islands after the 7th gym), the story also has no additions, and despite everything the game was still incredibly limited in terms of Pokemon. It was such a wasted potential.
This, coupled with the fact that ORAS has started a new timeline for the Pokemon Universe, makes me think they should remake R&B one last time. Expand the map, add new locations to make it more interesting, make places like Viridian Forest bigger and more complex. Improve upon not just Team Rocket and Giovanni's storyline, but also on Mew and Mewtwo and what exactly happened in the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnibar, maybe also make the Legendary Birds part of the story. Add another rival, of course keep Blue as the primary rival but make Red/Green into another based on who you start as and they can start alongside you and Blue, taking the otherwise wasted third Starter. Bring in Pokemon from other regions, and add more Mega evolution's such as Lapras, Persian and Raichu. Oh, and for the love of god, change Surge's gym, it is NOT OK for players to be expected to spend forever on a stupid luck based "puzzle".
IMO, RB needs this badly. The original doesn't hold up well, and somehow FRLG is arguably worse because it refused to add many of even the most basic improvements from 2nd and 3rd gen (aside from the graphics, running shoes and battlesystem).
What do you think? I normally wouldn't ask for a remake, never mind a re-remake, but the games deserve better than the appalling FRLG. There is so much potential for greatness, and I personally would love to finally see if fulfilled.
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