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am i the only who misses samus in her original roots. don't get me wrong, the metroid prime series was fantastic, but i still miss games like metroid fusion and super metroid. i want to see nintendo make another 2d side scroller for samus. i've always found the story in the metroid games to be fascinating, even though there wasn't much of it. if they could a much bigger and profound story and some light rpg elements to it, it would be sick. is anyone else with me here?cloud_strifeXxX
As much as I am with you in certain aspects, the concept would technically be a downgrade (I do hate saying that, by the way). NDS has already released Prime Hunters, so we know what the DS is capable of doing. I'm sure Nintendo is thinking that we should continue in the style of Prime, since the series has done exponentially well in it's short history. I mean, seriously, if it wasn't for Retro and their completely revamped version of Metroid, I honestly don't think Metroid would still be going. I think the Hunters game was pretty good (In regards to the story) and the multiplayer was fantastic, but to go from 3D to 2D would be a downgrade, like I said.
However, your argument would work well with the Mario argument. Despite the release of Mario 64, Nintendo decided to release a "New" 2D Mario Bros., and the game did fantastic! For Metroid, there could definitely be a lot of cool touch-screen capabilities for a 2D run-and-gun shooter, and without a doubt in my mind, I would purchase it in a heart beat.
So, that's the two sides of the argument. I can see how they would or would not make one, but this Metroid Dread rumor seems to be leaning toward a 2D release. Keep your fingers crossed. :P
i just looked up metroid dread. it sounds pretty sketchy as whether it will happen or not. but what about metroid 2, for game boy? nintendoshould remake that one. metroid zero mission was really good, so if thy remake that its almost guaranteed to do well. plus, i don't see how making another 2d metroid would be a downgrade. i thought metroid hunters was really good, and im not saying that they should stop making 3d metroid games and switch. i mean do both 3d and 2d metroid games. both types of games have proven themselves to be fantastic
metroid primeis gay metroid should have stuck with it's 2d roots.monkeytoes61
All right, Mr. I-Say-Something-Before-I-Think.
Metroid Prime is gay just like Hillary Clinton is smokin' hot. Give me a freakin' break.
I thought that the 3d approach was obviously the right direction to take with the console games but I still feel that Prime Hunters should have been a side scroller. I never really got into that game though but the multiplayer was very poor thanks rto all the glitchers adn the control system hurt. Keep handheld metroid 2d I say cos those gamses rocked. If u want to make a multiplayer metroid then do it on the wii ffs, that would be awesome.
Anyone think the idea of making a game like 'Metroid Prime Arena' as a multiplayer specific game would be cool? If they dedicated all their resources into making it right then it would be well worth the price IMO
this will sound odd but...w.e....
they should make a 2D metroid on...the wii...60$ but a required classic controller is included and it would be new super mario bros. style graphics...except...metroid style!!
yes...MP3 just came out and was 3D but I would still play a 2D metroid on a 3D capable machine!!
helll, might be better thanMP3!!!
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