[QUOTE="bob_newman"] Is this kid challenged or something? Metroid was made for the Wii. It was never a Gamecube game. It was never intended to be a Gamecube game. It started on the Gamecube kit (which, by the way, is how Mario Galaxy was made), but that doesn't mean it's not a Wii game. Same with Strikers Charged. Same with Warioware: Smooth Moves. Same with Excite Truck. Same with Red Steel.Do you want meto continue?Only LoZ: TP and SPM were planned for the Gamecube. What part of that is confusing to you?
And by the way, why do you think you have the right to call people ignorant? Do your research first before you post, then you won't look like a no-nothing no-it-all. Thanks.
OMG..you called me a dumb kid but your the mis-informed @$$ that is making assumptions. Metroid Prime 3 was intended for the Wii BUT it started on a cube dev kit because they wanted it out on launch and therefore could not have been optimized for the Wii. Games are not made on Dev kits they're are made ON COMPUTERS!!! But they are made around the architecture of the console. The cube and Wii architecture are similar in some ways but different in many. Thats Why I said the Prime 3 was not optimized for the Wii, because it started on the cube kit. Had it started on a a Wii dev kit than yes it could have taken advantage of the new shaders, both vertex and Pixel. But it did take advantage of the high clock rates and memory (the wider areas and lighting texture with almost no load times).I apollogize for calling the people ignorant but many times you guys are. I asked for an opinion and you guess just bash my statements with any proof.
Ok, but your whole statement was that Mario Galaxy was the first "real Wii game". Do you see your mistake there? It used the exact same technology to make Galaxy as it did to make Prime 3. Prime 3 was even delayed almost a year to work with the Wii's Dev kit, so your point is not valid.
Sorry for calling you a "Kid"...I didn't mean it literally (assuming you're not a kid). All's I meant was that you have contradicted yourself, and you still haven't seen it. Get it?
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