[QUOTE="digital_soul"][QUOTE="nintendo-4life"][QUOTE="digital_soul"] In terms of available software. Zelda was fine as a launch title, but can not really be considered a defining Wii title. Super Paper mario isnt even out in the Europe yet and even then its still a a gamecube port. Warioware id aslo fine if you like that kind of thing, but other then that we have nothing! The virtual console is nowhere near as good a service as Xbox live arcade and with nothing coming in the near future that is AAA material then I fail to understand why the wii is proving so popular. it certainly cant be because of hardcore gamers or even the Nintendo fans who must surley be dissapointed so far.
sorry to burst your bubble, but:
1. zelda was a defining title
2. super paper mario, warioware are also defining titles.
3. Wii sports is a defining title
4. there are more to Wii than the games mentioned above
5. the VC service is FAR superior than the XBL arcade service, i'm not even sure you looked at it yet if you say such things.
6. this should be in system wars.Its ok, you didnt burst my bubble.
1. Zelda is built for the ground up for the Gamecube and so cannot be considered a defining wii title.
2. Ditto Super Paper Mario. Warioware i will accept, if, as i said, it is your thing
3. wii sports was a free tech demo. Fun sure, but not a defining title
4. Yes there are, none of them very outstanding though
5. VC service is basically an emulation service, offering nothing more than is already available. XBox live arcade adds updates, online multiplayer, leaderboards and achievements
6. Its a thread about my thoughts for the wii, so is perfectly suitable for a wii discussion forum
1. The wii mote controls for the wii version make it superior to the GC counterpart. I dont see why you're saying its not a defining title when it obviously is.
2. Papermario is not on the GC. It may have been built for the gamecube, but it was only released on the wii.
3. Wii sports is not free in Japan, and its selling like crazy there. It's one of the main reasons for the Wii's sucess.
4.Thats just an opinion, its not a fact.
5. I dont know about you but i buy video game consoles to play games. Virtual console keeps me busy with games i havent had the chance to pick up.
6. No, this should be in system wars.
7.If you think the wii is the worst console in history, you obviously havent been gamming very long.Â
1. I cannot consider a game built on the hardware of another console and not using the full hardware potential to be a 'defining' title for that console. Resident Evil 4 was a 'defining' gamecube title as it was built from the ground up for that hardware, was awesome and really pushed the hardware to its limits. Zelda is simply awesome, the other 2 statements do not apply.
2. Ditto above for Paper Mario
3. I dont live in Japan.
4. Depends on how you look at it. If you take review scores from main gaming publications then the general opinion is that there aren't any outstanding games outside of the afore mentioned Zelda, Paper Mario and Warioware.
5. I also buy consoles to play games. I also consider having the ability to play those games alone, as they were intended, with upgrades AND online with friends as better value than simply playing them as they were first intended. Not too sure why you wouldnt also to be honest.
6. Hmm strange. I thought a wii forum would be for discussion of the wii, my bad.
7. Im 34 and have been gaming since Atari 5200. How about you?
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