As Jasonguy noted, there was a series of launch wii's that didn't have the heatsink properly applied, and I was lucky enough to get one. A started getting artifacts and had to send it in to get repaired. It was out of warrenty and Nintendo refused to acknowledge that there was a problem, it oviously was not a manufactureing defect seeing that is lasted 2 years according to them. I was able to complain enough to alkk them down from $90 to $40 if I remember correctly.
I also have a friend who had the exact same problem, also a launch wii.
He also has a second wii, his family now has 3 so they can play moster hunter tri, that had a fan failure, causing it to overheat. That one was under warrenty and was repaired for free.
He also had a disc drive failure after his little brother pulled on a gamecube cord, making it fall onto the concrete floor, but I din't think that one counts.
The disc read error on Brawl, a 2 layer disc, is a fiarly well doccumented error, Nitendo even acknowledges it, and to their credit they still offer to fix the problem no matter the warrenty status.
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