Seems like the only good game coming out is Zelda Skyward Sword, the rest of the upcoming games are mostly rubbish (except for Kirby). I really had my hopes for The Grinder, but seems like it has died too. I find my self feeling sad for the Wii, feels like it never reached its full potential. The only game I'm currently playing on it is Tetris. =(
I have all the "BIG" Wii-titles, but now found my self totally bored with them. Did not even finish Metroid Other M or Echoes and Corruption. Finished Prime, and the other 2 games just felt like more of the same, and they are a little bit too hard to navigate, takes hours just to figure out what to doo next. Golden Eye was fun for the first 2 hours, then got rally boring, and multiplayer is to laggy, same story with Conduit 2. The only Wii game that i spent a lot of time on is Galaxy 1 & 2 , Twilight Princess, and COD-Reflex. I have a around 40+ hours in BlackOps too, but they cant seem to fix the multiplayer lagg so now its just collecting dust.
So, now im just left with a feeling that I never relly got enough. There never was a game that made mee feel like i did playing Ocarina Of Time, or Half Life 2 on PC, the sort of feeling that you cant wait to get back to the game again, and again. Mario Galaxy was fun to play, but the story is so basic, that you can easily skip it all together, and just see the game as a bunch of levels that you have to finish in what ever order, the excitement gets lower and lower.
I guess im still waiting for that BIG wii exclusive game that will keep my entertained for 200+ hours of gameplay. But i guess thats never going to happen =(
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