They should be there, but they aren't ever going to be. They can just do a cheap remake and charge full price, like they've done with Fire Red/ Leaf Green and Heart Gold/ Soul Silver.
Ok quit trolling they added A LOT of thing to hg/ss for one thing g/s never had online play and you couldn't refight gym leaders i could name several other things hg/ss added but you obviously think any remake is lazy because hg/ss s by far the remake they put the most effort into even oot got a remake they had less effort put into.
:roll:Yup, clearly trolling here. That's why I have a Pokemon avatar and have purchased every single release, including remakes, outside of Ruby/Sapphire or the Fire Red/Leaf Green remakes.
They didn't add that much to HG/SS remakes that wasn't already in Crystal or DPPt, and the stuff they did add wasn't difficult to add. Rechallenging gym leaders? Not exactly hard to program or design. They didn't add much, don't kid yourself.
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