You know, like sites that track your junk... Ive also seen some neat sigs on this forum would be cool to get some of that :) So where do the cool kids go? (besides the official my nintendo one :P)
mywiitag. org or net or com or something lets you create a sig with all the games you play your freinds code and your name Thats probally what uve been seeing as many have diffrent designs
Right on guys thanks for the info. Gonna go check em out shortly, actually I did check out and it looks pretty cool but... I cracked open Trauma Center and having a wee bit of trouble putting it down. A surgery game..huh..whooda thunk :)
Yep, the shopping channel is where this timourous wee lil' beastie may be found [X *Cannot believe he just said that*
You can use Wiicade and various other Wii oriented games sites (They're really fun flash games), it's just worth it to be able to surf the internet on your Wii to be honest, it works well, it's pretty quick, reliable and you can't get viruses (If you're used to getting them on a Windows PC).
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