Illusion of Time and Donkey Kong 64 for the VC, along with more SNES and N64 game announcements generally for the VC, there arent enough. Also remakes or translations of older Fire Emblem games. Ogre Battle 64 too since I'm Scottish and we didnt get it in Europe. Basically can't wait to see what they come up with for the next Hanabi Festival releases. I know im including third parties here, but It would still be awesome. And Ive still not heard about when theyre releasing Rune Factory over here, even though Rising Star are meant to be working on it.
As for Wii retail games, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Kid Icarusa new Fire Emblem (with proper Wii support, and oneallowing you to have your characters for most of the chapters, not just one of the four sections). More RPG's in general. Nintendo seem to have a lot of first and second party studios that arent very busy, and it seems like a waste. So its good that Monolith are working on an RPG.
Thats some of the more unlikely stuff I want to see. But im hoping for more info on Sin & Punishment if its not released before then, along with Metroid, Galaxy 2 and Zelda.
I'm fae Scotland as well man, Inverness. And Status Quo rock! First gig i went to was in SECC.
Anyway, mostly i want the big 3, MG2, Metroid and Zelda Wii of course. But i would also love to see Kid Icarus, F-Zero, Starfox, a new Donkey Kong, and a new Kirby.
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