We've already got Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Warioware, Pokemon and Mario Kart. So what would you like to see next? (Other than something new perhaps...)
Kirby: The 'lil bugger managed to skip the Gamecube completely so I think we're long overdue for some pink puffball platforming.
F-Zero: F-Zero GX was great in my opinion and a new racing game for Wii would go down a treat.
Animal Crossing: Many possibilities with Wiiconnect24 and such.
Pikmin: Motion sensing would probably work all to well with commanding pikmin and such. Been craving some more Pikmin for all too long now.
Starfox: Again, motion sensing would probably work well if done well. All it would need is a decent multi-player and I'd be sold.
I'd be willing to wager dollars to doughnuts that one of these will be announced at E3. At least, I hope so.
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