There is no doubt in my mind that SATSR is a step in the right direction for the Sonic franchise. It comes close to capturing the feel of the old games and the camera issues that have plagued all of Sonic's 3D adventures has pretty much been fixed. However, it is far from perfect and can be a very frustrating experience. What could Sega improve on in the sequel? Here are my thoughts:
1. Lose the mission system - instead of going through the same area's doing slightly different tasks, why not hav bigger, fuller 'zones' like in the old sonic games? I think the mission system makes the game feel scattered and random. It needs to be linear.
2. Make Sonic accellerate faster from the beginning - I can understand what Sega were trying to do with the level up system, but the fact that Sonic starts off so slowly goes against what the mascot is all about: speed. It would be great if Sonic reached ful speed in a couple of seconds instead of the 10-20 seconds it curently takes.
3. Tighten the controls - I never feel totally in control of Sonic. He sometimes locks on to targets I don't want him to and the tilt controls never seem responsive enough when you have to dodge enemies and perilous terrain at high speeds. I think the control set up is fine, it just needs to be tweaked a little bit.
4. Move the camera so we can see where we're going when we backtrack - probably the most annoying and simply stupid design flaw in the game. How many times have you died because you ran into an enemy while walking backwards? For meit is at least a dozen times. I really hope this is changed in the sequel.
Thats about it for now. Please share your thoughts :)
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