With this new remote, I need to see some more series and such, and I came up with a brilliant idea! Nintendo can compete Dance Dance Revolution with SPAZZ SPAZZ REVOLUTION!!! :o:shock::o:shock::o:shock:
All you have to do is wave the remote and the nunchuck around like a crazy person! The more you vary your motions and the more chaotic they are, the more points you score! You play along to speed techno, as well as some fantasy-themed music.
It shall have a campaign mode where you must spazz out through various songs down various paths in various areas with various beasts for 40 hours! At the end, you must challenge the Evil Dragon to a Spazz-Off!!!
You can challenge friends online to spazz-offs in an MMO world with a Mii! With the money won from the spazz-offs, you can buy endless customizable options for your Mii!
Anybody like my idea? I was 100% serious with the idea, although it WAS off the top of my head.Â
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