When I had first saw the gameplay for Splatoon, I was intrigued by the concept. The game seemed to have a fresh new take on the shooter genre that has seemed to be sagging over the pas few years. I already owned a wii u so there were no problems getting the game at launch. I was excited by the idea of the game, but could not have been more let down as the game is littered with annoyances that make it less enjoyable than watching ink dry. After combing though forums about the game, I was shocked to see how many people praise this game as a goty contender even though it falls short of standards set by shooters years ago.
The Design
From the very moment you start up the game you are met with the Squid Sisters. Two annoying characters that will haunt you for the rest of the game as they tell you what maps are available for the day. There is no skipping this and it gets really tiresome, really fast. The Squids Sisters will even drag you out of lobbies to give you their unskippable message of boredom every 4 hours. After you get through that, you are met with the hub, an extremely boring area where it is beneficial to just click on the icon on the gamepad than slow walk through the hub. The only thing that can be interesting about the hub is the miiverse posts that can range from creepy squid loving enthusiasts to funny, inappropriate posts that seemed to squeak past Nintendo filters. After you escape the boring hub you can finally get into the game.
The Single Player
The game promised to offer something many shooters have been ignoring for a long time, the singe player experience. What gamers got was the a bare-bones challenge mode at best since there is very little to suggest a story at all. The lore of the story is very boring which gives players no reason to collect the various scrolls that have been hidden throughout the levels (Stuff like the ink cleans up itself after the matches, who cares about that). The Boss battles are easy and have little personality like many of the characters in Splatoon. The final boss is so boring and comes out of nowhere, making the single player experience ultimately forgettable. What a lot of people say though is the multiplayer is the main focus of the game, but the multiplayer isn't the saving grace for Splatoon.7
The game has 11 maps now to choose from, but you are limited to 2-3 every 4 hours which makes it likely you will play the same map 3 times in a row. You do get the choice between a ranked mode and a casual mode. In the casual mode you only play turf war, probably the most iconic and basic mode in splatoon, in ranked though, you can one of three modes which is also rotated every 4 hours. This makes it so you will probably not get the gamemode you want to play in ranked, but it really doesn't matter because most games will be over in the span of minutes as most teams will have bad players. Splat zones is probably the best of the three, but ultimately is a low scale version of turf war where it is hard to retake zones since there is no voice chat to coordinate to retake together. The only way to communicate is to morse code booyahs and C'mons. This deficit makes Tower control, the most unimaginative and boring gamemode, an exercise in futility as most games will end very quickly. The newest mode rainmaker is just tower control without the rails. This brings us to one of the worst part of the game, the gameplay.
The gameplay looked so fresh and new, but feels exactly like a game of Call of Duty. Nobody is communicating, everyone is spamming nades, everyone is running around until they die and respawning to repeat it over. The game even has kill streaks where you get air strikes or the op kraken for doing less than CoD, you shoot the ground you get to be invincible. The weapons don't feel very different within their classes and have no customization to them also, walls feel hard to climb in squid form, the crosshair never stays in the middle of the screen making it harder to lineup enemies, and the connections are terrible. The game doesn't appear to have servers and uses a ptp connection like CoD, but in Splatoons case it doesnt have local pairing, matching you with people from around the world. This results in a lot of lag, which is probably the reason for so many double splats and the many disconnects that occur during gameplay. Another frustrating aspect is if someone is disconnected than you get no replacement and they just sit in spawn until the match is over.
Soundtrack and misc
The Soundtrack is the worst part of the game. It is awful. Absolutely awful. The worst modern game soundtrack I have heard. Its just grunts and repetition. Are they even trying. Nintendo has so many awesome themes, mario, zelda, f-zero, but this is insulting. It plays after every game in every lobby and it sucks so bad. I was so surprised to find some people praising it. For other things, the amiibos aren't worth it for splatoon, the stores have to talk to you like the squid sisters and have equally no likable personalities.
Splatfest is dumb. Who wanted to know whats better between hotdogs and marshmallows? The transformer ones were a step in the right direction, but ultimately have no point as you lose everything you get. The spaltfest always goes down to whatever team had more wins. More wins = wins. There are only two criteria so the one that is weighed more always wins.
In closing this game is bad and it would be an insult if it got a goty nod when so many great games have come out and are coming out.
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