[QUOTE="FallofAthens"] Yep, pretty much agree. Though, you can't really say the PSP doesn't get any Square Enix love because a good half of the Square Enix line-up are mainly PSP exclusives and vice versa. It seems they have it split, all remakes go to the DS, sequels to the newest titles, (Ex: FFXII) and the PSP gets games such as Crisis Core, Final Fantasy tactics, (PS version) and the upcoming fighting game with all the Final Fantasy characters and two kingdom hearts games while the Ds gets one. Granted, the DS may get more from Square but if you notice the PSP get some of the better recreations/carry-ons than the DS. Final Fantasy 7 still is hailed as one of Enix's better games. You can only guess how many would swarm to a prequel to the origional.
I do have to agree with the others in the quality of the newer titles. They really don't live up to past games, though maybe that has nothing more to do with the age of the material. When you've found yourself playing all of the games Square has to offer, being an avid fan of the series, after awhile it becomes nothing more than a wash/repeat cycle of new characters thrown into the same situation. What do you expect, when you reach XII of the same game, you're going to eventually run out of ideas. Heck, they've been using the same creature and summon from what seems like the very beginning.
I dont know why I'm doing this but I guess it still kind of annoys me how dumb people can get. It's enough to make me feel paranoid to the extent that I believe some people are doing it on purpose just to anger me.
You, um, kind of lost a heck of a lot of credibility in what you stated, after mentioning various points. I mean, I fail to realize where all these PSP exclusives are. Unless you mean FF 1 & 2, which are rather dissapointing. Other than that there's just Crisis Core and the FF tactics remake. Care to refresh me on the other ones?
and since when has it been announced that TWO KH games are being released on the PSP? and your theory of them being "split" sort of disproves itself with the amount of contradictions you have.
Really? Enix were the ones that made Final Fantasy VII? Then that company SQUARESOFT written at the bottom of my copy of FF 7 means that mine is a fake or something? hmm
And regarding your last statement, that's one of the main points of Final Fantasy games; it's the series' trademark.
Sorry, I just thought I'd point that out. you know
Regarding the tc's topic, I'd say it's definitely b/c Square Enix always goes to where the money's at. It's a smart move I'd have to say.
Well, I apologize, I seriously thought there was more games for the PSP. After browsing Square's site I realize there was less than I credited them for. you're right, there isn't that many. Being only a DS owner, I really never looked it up. Just went with what I knew and that is the titles you see constantly. I just figured there was a few more around there somewhere.
I read somewhere, (Have no clue where) that the Kingdom Hearts 398/2 (?) was supposed to be both on the DS AND the PSP, but after reading what you stated and going back, I see no other reference to that. My sources were wrong nor have I really cared that much for Kingdom hearts after the first one, so I didn't really do much info searching. (before this)
What the heck does that have to do with anything? I know Square made FF 7. But there not Square anymore, they are Square-Enix. the license has changed to THAT company, (which is just a merger) so technically though Square-Enix didn't make FF9 (10?) and below, they have rights now. As far as I know they can do anything with the license for those games. Like for instance: Remake every single one of them as they seem to be doing now.
I'll argue with you on that. Have you ever watched a movie over and over again? Gets tiring after awhile, right? I know it's they're trademark, but given the circumstances when you play with the same characteristics after awhile, people will begin to grow weary of the same things over and over. I think that's why some of the newer Final Fantasy games are not as well received as previous entries because, one: It really isn't that different. Two: The story is somewhat starting to become a repeat of previous titles with a few changes. Three: Basically all of the DS games based off the Final Fantasy series are completely 'Kidifide.' I loved Final Fantasy XII, one of my favorites, but Revnent Wings felt like a sorry excuse of a sequel and didn't even come close to the same feeling I had with the original.
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