I've never really got into the Final Fantasy series and I thought I'd give the DS ones a go. The verdict = meh. Still don't like them. So up until a day ago I wasn't very impressed with Square Enix, that is until I bought Space Invaders Extreme and Arkanoid.
After playing Tetris DS I wasn't getting my hopes up about these cla.si.cs. I love cla.si.c games and I have Space Invaders, Arkanoid and Tetris on my Gameboy Colour. The DS has killed Tetris with stupid techno theme tunes and Mario jumped up and down like a distracting idiot on the top screen. ANYWAYS! So I played Space Invaders and Arkanoid and LOVED THEM!
Well done Square Enix you've done it. You've impressed me :)
Has anybody else got these games? And do you like Square Enix?
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